Global supplier for over 50 years
Supplying multiples, convenience, wholesalers & independents since 1970
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PMS International, International House
Cricketers Way, Basildon, Essex, SS13 1ST, United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0)1268 505171 Fax +44 (0)1268 505172

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Contact / Buyer Information

This information must be relevant to the person who will be using the B2B online ordering service

Company / Organisation Details*
Head Office Address
*Are these also your invoice details?
*Is this also your delivery address?
Delivery Address
*Multiple delivery addresses?
Accounts Contact Details (if different from above)
*Payment Method (for new customers payment is usually pro-forma)
After successful registration there is the facility to apply for a credit account.
(acceptance is strictly subject to suitable trade and bank references)
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Payment is by pro forma invoice. Stock will not be reserved for your order until payment has been received.

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